Laura Torchio will outline the post-pandemic scenario of the theatrical film and audiovisual industry in 10 minutes and suggest recovery directions to overcome the crisis. Nicola Maccanico will talk about how the government believes in the value of cinema and intends to support its growth with the PNRR, Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza, (a governmental recovery plan) investment in Cinecittà. Occhipinti, Degli Esposti, and Amadei will talk about how their companies have reacted to the crisis and how UniCredit has supported them along the way. A producer, a distributor, and a theatrical exhibitor outlining the industry’s current status.


Laura Torchio, CB Italy UniCredit;

Nicola Maccanico, Amministratore Delegato Cinecittà SpA;

Andrea Occhipinti, Fondatore Lucky Red;

Nicola Serra, CEO Palomar;

Fabio Amadei, Direttore Cinema Farnese;

Roberto Fiorini, Regional Manager UniCredit Centro.


Giampaolo Letta, Presidente Consiglio Territorio UniCredit Centro.