During The Future of Animation:Between Broadcasters and OTT panel, some of the key players of the sector met to discuss the possibilities of animation in the context of the rapidly-changing market that has marked the past few years.
Alfio Bastiancich (Cartoon Italia) moderated the conversation while asking the guests about their points of view on the present-day market and its future opportunities. Femke Wolting (Submarine) explained that “We started with a podcast, and as a company, we didn’t like the limits between different kinds of media. That’s how we launched several interactive projects such as video games, films and documentaries. As a result, we found ourselves with three internal divisions”. Wolting analyzed the contemporary market through “Undone“, produced in collaboration with Amazon, using mixed techniques such as 2D and 3D and more. She also shared that there will be a second series of the project, already in pre-production.
Luca Milano (Rai Ragazzi) continued the conversation: “It is true that the offer system is changing the content, we started with children’s television that had few available slots and a limited quantity of programs, and now digital TV has changed into a 24-hour system”. Regarding what is yet to come for the industry, he said that “Some things change but others remain, such as the importance of having a story to tell, a target and a way to finance that. The classic archetypes continue. We will also do artistic short films while giving more space to miniseries of 10 episodes, moments we can use to have more presence on subjects such as sexual harassment. Italian products want to travel the world”.
Paolo Baronci (VVVVID) stressed that all the design of the VVVVID platform was done in Rome and that his company AVOD succeeded in combating piracy by offering free content: “We are experimenting on how to create a sustainable and efficient production model by bringing the audience in. We hope to become a great creative hub for young producers who want to grow in the animation field”.
The meeting ended with the announcement of the dates for the Cagliari Cartoon Digital 2020 by Marco Berardi (Boing S.p.A.) and Nevina Satta (Director of the Sardinia Film Commission Foundation), which will take place from May 25 to 30.y.