Does the audience know best? An open talk about the present state and the future of the film, the fast-changing production and distribution models, opportunities and threads, audiences’ identities and behaviours shifts, the seriality interconnection and how they affect not only the industrial and creative landscapes, but also the definition of film itself.


First session:

Riccardo Tozzi, President and Founder at Cattleya, Chairman.

Introductory presentation:

Michele Casula, Audience Analyst, Ergo Research – data overview;

Marta Donzelli, Founder Vivo Film, President Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia;

Nicola Maccanico, AD Cinecittà;

Stefano Massenzi, Head of Aquisitions and Business Affairs, Lucky Red;

Lorenzo Mieli, CEO at The Apartment; 

Matteo Rovere, Director & Producer;

Thomas Bertacche, CEO at Tucker Films.

Second session:

Maria Pia Ammirati, Rai;

Antonella d’Errico, Sky;

Sara Furio, Netflix;

Jaime Ondarza, Viacom.