Elizabeth Klinck worked as a producer, researcher and clearance specialist on hundreds of international documentary films that have garnered BAFTA, Emmy, FOCAL, Canadian Screen Awards, Peabody, and Oscar awards. A graduate of Queen’s University, she presented hundreds of masterclasses at numerous international festivals, markets, and universities, and film schools.
Nominated for an Emmy in the Craft of Research and three times for Best Visual Researcher at the FOCAL UK Awards, Elizabeth won six Best Visual Research Awards at the Canadian Screen, Gemeaux, and Gemini Awards. In 2008 she was the first Canadian to be awarded the FOCAL International Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2014 she was awarded the inaugural DOC Star Award by the Documentary Organization of Canada for her mentoring and leadership in the Canadian documentary community. In 2019 the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television presented her with their prestigious Board of Director’s Tribute for her body of work and volunteerism in the Canadian and international documentary film communities.
Elizabeth has served on the board of WIFT, Canada’s Audio Visual Trust, World Congress of Historymakers, and is the founding chairperson of the Visual Researchers’ Society of Canada. She presently serves on the Executive Committee for FOCAL International (UK) and is a member of DOC Toronto.